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When I get the feeling a panick attack is about to happen, I stick one ;ill under my tounge and within minutes I feel completely calm and no longer anxious. I also use the medication if I drank too much wine the night before (too much sugar), I take one pill and the anxiety is gone. Ativan is though very habit forming and addictive. I have been taking it for over a year and feel as thought I ca...

Most voted negative review

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My husband was 38 years old and committed suicide from taking Ativan. It was taken in combination with Welbutrin for depression. Do not take these two together..the ativan made him have body tremors, nervousness, and horrible suicidal thoughts. Do not take Ativan and you become addicted within one month. He was taking it for three months and couldn't handle life anymore.

Shared reviews and ratings

Anonymous | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Anxious
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

Watch out causes extreme constpation. Even after being off of it.

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Jim | 65-74 | Male | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years |
Condition: Anxious
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I have been on Ativan for over 5 yrs for anxiety. Recently my platelets have dropped in half to 80.

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Kelly | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Anxious
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

This stuff is horrible! My husband was prescribed 1mg up to twice a day as needed for anxiety attacks. He took one last night around 10 p.m. It is now midnight the next night and he has passed out and fallen 10 times today, has been confused and his memory shot, confused, hallucinated and weird dreams. He is still needing help walking because he feels like he's going to pass out and fall still. He said he will not be taking this ever again!

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Howie | 55-64 | Male | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

A new career due to injury and already planned marriage, severe anxiety due to performance issues set in. having been a Master Craftsman, my new career left me feeling unqualified, unprepared, coupled with a interracial marriage it was four years of never getting it right. Then a beautiful baby boy arrived. I finally understood the word JOY. along with fatherhood came primal fear. Almost loosing my wife and son during a premature birth, panic set in. The world became cruel and dangerous. My wife went back to work. and I became the protector. Inseparable, feeling like I wasn't doing enough to keep him safe insomnia from panic attacks lasting days becoming more and more severe. I was a danger to my son and myself. Ativan, what can I say, I was in such bad shape I could not go outside and freaked when my wife would take him places, I would force myself to go along. I could not stay home not knowing what was happening. The effect of the medication was almost immediate. Having a physically calming affect. I could once again begin to think clearly giving up the feeling of possible attack around every corner. As my son became aware of his surroundings. being able to pay attention to him, he brought back just how wonderful life can be. Ativan is the first prescribed medicine other than antibiotics. I had ever had. I can't imagine what could have happened the downward spiral I was in. My prescription was written "as needed" I had refused to take anything on a regular basis. With time the attacks became less severe and less frequent. Manifesting themselves in irritatingly mundane situations. Few and far between my attacks are, my son now 16, and medicated for bi-polar disorder, I am doing well. passion without fear.Read More Read Less

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Lorijean67 | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Anxious
Overall rating 4.3
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This medication has been very helpful for me. It is an additive medication,but when you go thou the panic attacks that I go thru. This medication has reduce the number and made it much easier to get past.

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jenib | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Anxious
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

Ativan helped me for many years although it made me very tired you also build a resistance and it is very hard to get if youre prescribing doctor is on holidays because it is a controlled substance. Always follow what you're dr prescribes don't drink with it either. Also caused me to have bad sleep apnea I switched to clonazapam and i don't have sleep apnea anymore. Pls be careful Also gave me blurred vision/Don't take it if you don't need it,

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No Xanax | 35-44 | Male | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Anxious
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Ativan is the best fast acting benzo available. Although it does have potential for abuse like others, unlike Xanax, Ativan is a fast acting yet smooth panic reliever that works smoothly on the way and down. I highly recommend you take Ativan before ever trying its rival, Xanax.

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Skippy | 55-64 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Anxious
Overall rating 3.3
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I developed a major anxiety or panic disorder. It was so intense and it continued for several days. It was so intense my wife took me to the ER. She thought I might be having a heart attack. Could catch my breath, could barely walk, had to be rolled into the ER by a couple of paramedics. They kept me overnight. Set up a heart cath, and put me on Lipitor and Ativan. Went back to work the next day after my release. The attacks never went away. One day at work I had a major anxiety ... major. I turned to my boss and said I can't do this anymore and resigned on the spot. I worked for USPS. Pay around $60 thousand plus. I have a wife and a 10 year old. boy. My postmaster put me down as retiring and I thank her for that. I'm still waiting for HR to complete my retirement package. I applied for Social Security and got it ... I'm 63. The attacks are still there. I also suffer from MDD, ADHD, and deal with insomnia frequently. I walked away from a really good job. I have never been that irresponsible in my life. I've jepardized my families well-being. I very seldom go out ... Only when I absolutly have to. My depression has gotten worse. Ativan helps a little, but that's all. I still cannot believe I walked away from a great job. Unbelievable ... really.Read More Read Less

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linsalato | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Anxious
Overall rating 3.7
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I have been on 2mg twice a day for 9 years. it works great for anxiety and insomnia, however I feel like I am a slave to this drug because I cannot sleep at all without it. I usually have refills on this script, but when I'm out of refills, my doctor takes forever to contact the pharmacy. I did not sleep more than a couple miserable hours every other night for 6 days. Other than that, I highly recommend this medication over xanax and valium. It lasts for 8 hours, as opposed to the 3 hours of valium, and xanax just seems to get you high and is highly addictive. Long term use of Ativan does cause memory loss and is physically addictive. Restless body syndrome is another withdrawal symptom. I think I will be on this medication the rest of my life, along with Oxycodone, Gabapentin, Meloxicam and Roboxin. The best advice is don't even start taking any benzodiazepine at all. There's gotta be a better way to deal with anxiety.Read More Read Less

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lisn2uagain | 55-64 | Male | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Anxious
Overall rating 2.7
Ease of Use

Started having daily panic attacks. Went to ER was given Ativan everything cool. Was Rx'd .5mg once a day. felt ok after.Started having daily panic attacks for 6 months.Was able to sleep ok at night but wokeup with need to take drug. Then the need increased for more which I resisted. Finally found Psychiatrist for withdrawal.He started split dosages and zoloft. In 2 months I felt like a normal human being. No shaking or panic attacks.He said quitting on even this dosage could result in a seizure. He said some people are addicted and don't want to quit. Read More Read Less

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apewars | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Muscle Spasm
Overall rating 5.0
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I'm only 31, I've had back/shoulder/neck muscle pain - severe - for YEARS. Only getting worse, I was recently diagnosed with lupus and fibromyalgia. Anyway, about 6 months ago something happened and my pain in my back was so intense I had to go to the ER. The first time they gave me valium and hydrocodone. Did nothing for me, but keep me awake for about 36 hours (I don't do well with hydrocodone). The next day, I had to go back to the ER! My pain was so bad it was in my chest, It really felt like my heart or something. They setup an IV and gave me ativan - I have tried in the past EVERY muscle relaxer on the market, name it, its in my medicine cabinet, still full because they don't work on me. THIS WORKED. I stopped and looked at the nurse and said "What was that? I need to know what this is. I'm not hurting right now" Ativan does for me what Soma, Flexiril, Valium, Zanaflex, robaxin, any of it - Ativan does what they can't do for me. Ativan isn't for everyone, but when you've tried everything and nothing has worked, this is worth a shot. I take 1MG every night before I go to bed, and my pain is controlled. Does your body become dependent on it? So I read. It is worth it to me, to control my pain and become dependent on this drug with such minimal side effects. What quality of life do I have with the pain I had before ativan? Ativan is my miracle drug.Read More Read Less

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Sherrylwell | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Chronic Trouble Sleeping
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I started taking Ativan when I went through a terrible breakup 7 years ago. I became seriously depressed, and, though I always had problems with anxiety, they only got worse, especially my insomnia. I absolutely could not sleep, or, if I did, I would wake up in a panic. My anxiety increased so much I couldn't drive in tunnels, go into a carwash, even fly on an airplane. Sometimes the attacks would happen when I was sitting at a red light in a major intersection and it took every ounce of strength not to get out of my car and run across the traffic. It was terrible. It got so bad one time I went to the ER, and, after an allergic reaction to an anti-nausea medicine they gave me, they then gave me Ativan in IV form. I felt like a calm just washed over me and fell a sleep. I asked my Dr. if he could prescribe it for me afterwards. That was 7 years ago and I still take it every night. I rarely take it during the day, as my anxiety attacks seem to have lessened, but do take anywhere from .5 to 1 mg each night before bed. I know I am addicted but don't really care. I am at least able to function okay now and lead a somewhat normal life. I think it is a godsend. I will also add that I tried everything else the experts say, I am an avid exerciser, don't drink much caffeine, and drink very little alcohol. I also meditate regularly and make sure I read before bed to calm me. I still will wake up panicky though if I don't take it so always end up relying on my Ativan. I think like any drug, you need to be wise about it and weigh the consequences of taking it against the consequences of not taking it.Read More Read Less

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ladyinpink | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Chronic Trouble Sleeping
Overall rating 5.0
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I was satisfied with this product until I had to go cold turkey off it. Which is not fun, it totally messes up your body system. I had a bad doctor who did not care. I am still with drawing from it, it has messed my thyroid up, made it over active, doctor won't do nothing for me. If you don't need it don't take it. It is a dangerous drug to be on

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Anonymous | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Chronic Trouble Sleeping
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I suffer from insomnia and have been taking Ativan for about 3 years. I don't take it daily. but when I need to take it to get some much needed rest, it allows me to shut off and get some sleep. I haven't had any side affects or addiction issues with it.

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prvh52 | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Anxious
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I have used ativan oral for anxiety, to get me to sleep, and sometimes for nausea. I try to keep a little on hand at all times. I was given some during my chemotherapy treatments. That was the only time I experienced a side effect but I did not realize it immediately. That is, although I acted perfectly normal, when I woke up the next day, I could not remember anything that occurred after the treatment started! I found out about it in a funny way. Before a treatment, I went in to a store with the friend who brought me. We agreed to return after the treatment. Apparently we did and I considered making a significant purchase. My friend convinced me to think it over until the next day. She then called to see if I decided to buy the ring. I had no recollection of the second visit nor my possible purchase. I did several tests after that with the same results - no recollection of anything I did or said for the rest of the day after a chemo treatment. A nurse advised that it was the ativan.Read More Read Less

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JonKist | 19-24 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Anxious
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I was given 0.5 mg of Ativan in the Emergency Room orally for my anxiety, and it did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I had to ask for something else, and was given Diazepam. That worked MUCH better. Ativan is very weak to almost ineffective.

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Hitchcock | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Anxious
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

works very well, however, does cause MEMORY LOSS so beware! I've taken for 3 yrs & noticed short term memory loss when co-workers kept saying, "remember?" & I couldn't. If you are taking this be sure to write down passwords, important information ... to be your memory!

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johnnie5511 | 55-64 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Anxious
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use


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Naples Sunshine | 35-44 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Anxious
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I find Ativan marvelous. I have severe anxiety disorder which interferes with my work and school. After 2.5 years of not drinking I went back to it as a quick fix for the anxiety. Years earlier they knew I had anxiety but tried to put me on anti-depressants. A therapist during a hospital stay for alcoholism evaluated me along with my PCP and they said I'm not depressed, just anxious and think Ativan which I was receiving for withdraw would be best for me. I went from 1 mg 3x a day to 1 in the A.M, 1 in the P.M and 2 b4 bed. As of today I'm at 2 in the A.M, 1 in the P.M and 2 b4 bed. So far it's been working very well, I'm less agitated. In the hospital they paired it with Valium and may do so again or with Klonopin was talked about. Ativan helps me sleep, calm down, I have a highly stressful job in finance. I wake up after the 2 feeling tired, a little, but it wears off pretty soon after awaking. Good medicine!Read More Read Less

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scarey dreamer | 55-64 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Anxious
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

the only drawback is the vivid nightmares. Does anyone else experience this. its the only psych med i take

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